Dr Louis John Camilleri
Dr Louis John Camilleri
Porta Cabins Room 5
Block A, Carpark 6
University of Malta
+356 2340 3694
- ACA2003 - Psychology of Adult Educaton, Training and Development
- ACA5056 - Research Methods I for Open and Networked Higher Education
- EDS2002 - Research Methods in Inclusive Education
- EDS5030 - Teaching, Managing and Assessing the Secondary Class
- EDU5925 - Transdisciplinary Teamwork
- EDU5972 - Inclusion, Education and Neurodiversity
- IAL1006 - Basic Inter- and Intra-Personal Skills in the Classroom: A Positive Psychology Approach
- IAL1031 - Engaging with Diverse Developmental Profile, Disabilities and Neuro-developmental Conditions
- IAL2003 - Observation Techniques for Assessment and Support for Learning
- IAL2012 - Supporting Gifted and Talented Learners
- IAL2020 - Addressing Disability and Planning Inclusive Strategies
- IAL3015 - Including Learners with Developmental Disabilities in Early Years
- IAL5006 - Secondary Classroom as a Positive Educational Space
- IAL5007 - The Primary Classroom as a Positive Educational Space