Dr Maria Brown a Ph.D. in Education, a Master of Arts in Sociology and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Italian.
Primarily, she lectures in adult education, community-based education and community development, research methods and social impact assessment.
She coordinates the hybrid part-time programmes leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Adult Education, Training and Development (EQF/MQF Level 6), and Diploma in Adult Education, Training and Development (EQF/MQF Level 5).
She also coordinates the development and delivery of micro-credentials and CPD delivered to educators, trainers and other professionals based in formal and non-formal lifelong education, professional or industry contexts.
Dr Brown is also Book Reviews Editor and Member of the Editorial Board of 'Convergence: An International Journal of Adult Education'; and Member of the Editorial Board of the journal 'Adult Education Discourses' ('Dyskursy Młodych Andragogu').
She will be the first Chief Editor of the 'Journal of Disruptive Technologies, Education, and Communications (JDTEC)', which will be newly launched by The Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning Foundation (3CL) in 2025.
Dr Brown is Malta's Ambassador for the European Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) for the period January 2025 to November 2026.
Dr Brown's research interests are in adult and community-based education, community action and community development, social impact assessment, sustainable development, methodology and research methods - with special interest in computer-assisted quantitative and qualitative data analysis (use of SPSS and NVivo).
Her experience also includes work for the European Commission, Eurydice, the Council of Europe, the European Co-operation in Science & Technology (COST) and the Ministry for Education and Employment (Malta).
Dr Brown regularly carries out research as part of EU-funded projects; and publishes in academic peer-reviewed publications.
More information and list of publications can be accessed here: ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9817-6447 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xI8ZlAcAAAAJ&hl=en Academic profile: https://www.um.edu.mt/profile/mariabrown
Adult education
Community studies
Educational sociology
Social welfare
Socio-economic research
EU environmental policy
Regional policy maker
ACA0006 - Working with Older Persons: Quality Intergenerational Service-Provision, Lifelong Education and Active Ageing
ACA1002 - Curriculum Design, Development, Evaluation and Quality Assurance
ACA1003 - Preparing for Adult Pedagogy and Assessment
ACA2001 - Andragogy and Geragogy: Perspectives, Challenges and Practices
ACA2002 - Arts in the Community: Part 1 Theatre and Music
ACA2003 - Psychology of Adult Educaton, Training and Development