Prof. Marie Avellino is an Antropologist, Resident Academic with the Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, and ex-Director of the Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture.
Prior to entering academia, Marie had amassed over 30 years of tourism, training and management experience. With an MBA in Strategic Management and an Anthropology of Tourism Doctorate from the London Metropolitan University Business School, she is able to academically bridge Business and the Socio-Cultural aspects which are so important for the management of a sustainable tourism Industry. She has led and managed a number of EU-Funded projects.
Her research interests include social anthropology, cultural heritage, tourism, British Senior tourism market and resident attidudes. culture with specialisation in the Social and Edu Tourism. Her current research is engaged with with Lifestyle enhancement, Wellbeing and Health for both tourists and the resident communit, as well as Gender issues in the female workforce
She is the President of Malta Women Directors Malta and is the Secretary of the Executive Committee for EmPOWer, a platform for Maltese women's organisations under the patronage of the President Emeritus Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. Marie is a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Society and also reviwer of a number of key Academic Journals.
TTC5203 - Intercultural Competencies for Management
TTC5300 - Tourism Experience Strategy, Policy and Planning
Head : Department Tourism Management Chair: Island Tourism Platform Coordinator: Executive Master in Business Administration in Hospitality and Event Management Reviewer: International Journal of Tourism Cities, hosted by Greenwich University, London Reviewer: Turystyka Kulturowa (Cultural tourism) hosted by Jagellonia University, Krakow