Rev. Dr Mark Joseph Zammit

Rev. Dr Mark Joseph Zammit

Rev. Dr Mark Joseph Zammit

  B.A. (Hons) (Melit.),S.Th.B.(Melit.),S.Th.L.(Melit.),S.Th.D.(Comillas)


Room 207
Humanities A Building
University of Malta
Mark J. Zammit is Lecturer within the Department of Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology at the University of Malta. He coordinates the Licentiate in Theology post-graduate degree (SThL).

Prior to joining the department, Zammit obtained a SThB and SThL in Theology from the University of Malta and a SThD from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid. His dissertation involved the ecclesiological and anthropological study of the writings of the Argentine theologian Lucio Gera, one of the fathers of the Theology of the People and a theologian who had a certain influence on Pope Francis' teachings.
  • Vatican Council II
  • Ecclesiology
  • Latin American Theology
  • Theology of the People
  • FDT1020 - The Mystery of Christ
  • FDT1060 - Vatican 2: Vision and Paradigms
  • FDT1300 - The Philosophy of Personhood
  • FDT3100 - Seminar: Systematic Theology
  • FDT3260 - Christology and Ecclesiology
  • FDT3670 - The Sacraments: Theological and Pastoral Aspects
  • FDT5002 - Mission and Culture
  • FDT5201 - Christian Perspectives on the Human Person
  • MRT5002 - Systematics of Spirituality
  • PLC5003 - Reflective Ministry: Placement and Research Methods
  • THL3161 - Synoptic Study-Unit Paper 3 - Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology