Research Interests: World Politics, EU External Relations, Euro-Mediterranean relations, small states & Malta in the EU. He also teaches the theories of European Integration and external aspects of migration & the EU.
- BA (Hons) (Philosophy),University of Malta; - MA in International Affairs, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University;(Studied two years full-time at the Bologna Center); - Ph.D. in Politics (International Relations, European Studies) from the University of Reading, UK.
- Joined the full-time academic Staff of the University of Malta in July 1993. Between 1987 and 1993 in charge of the European Documentation Centre (EDC) which was incorporated in the European Documentation and Research Centre (EDRC) set up by the Council of the University of Malta in 1991.
- Director of the institute (and the EDRC) from its inception in 1991 to 2016.
- Held a Jean Monnet Chair between 2013-2016.
- Since 2009 a member of the editorial board of the journal South European Society and Politics edited by Susannah Verney and Anna Bosco, published by Routledge, which is listed in the social sciences citation network ( (2018 IMPACT FACTOR 2.456).
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Annual Publication of the Institute for European Studies.
- Member of the editorial board (since 2018) of the journal "Small States and Territories" of the University of Malta. Go to
ACADEMIC SOCIETIES / MEMBERSHIPS / NETWORKS - Jean Monnet Network - Member of the International Studies Association (ISA) since 2000. - The European International Studies Association (EISA) since 2017. - ECPR sta nding groups on International Relations and South European Politics - Active in the Trans-European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) since 2008. - Active in EUROMESCO
- Board of the Institute for European Studies since 1991. - Institute’s Ph.D. coordinator - Board of the Islands and Small States Institute (ISSI) renewed periodically since 2008. - Served two years on Senate. - Member of the Board of the University Gozo Campus until the board’s dissolution. - Served as a Member of the Committee on the Students’ Charter.
World Politics
External Relations of the EU
Euro-Mediterranean Relations
Small States in World Politics
Malta in the EU
External dimension of EU migration policy (focus on the Mediterranean)