Prof. Rose Marie Azzopardi lectures International Economics, European Monetary Union, Economics of Innovation, Creativity and Knowledge, Global Economy, Labour Market and Human Potential. Her main research areas are the labour market, migration, regional integration, small states, economic development, innovation, gender, and EU related issues. She graduated Diploma in Public Administration (Malta), B.A. Economics and Social Studies (Malta) (first class), M.A. Contemporary European Studies (Sussex) UK (with distinction) and Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, from the School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex, UK.
In June 2020, Senate appointed her Coordinator of the newly set-up Platform for Migration. She has presented papers at global conferences and published in several international journals. She is a national expert on several EU programmes and projects. She has done consultancy work with the Government of Malta, the United Nations, World Bank, European Union Institutions and Commonwealth Secretariat.
Prof. Azzopardi was a member on the Advisory Council of ISISA (International Small Islands Studies Association) for a period of six years until 2016 and is currently a member of the Executive Committee until 2026. Prof. Azzopardi was Advisor on economic development to the Government of Malta, 2015-2017. She is an invited speaker at local and international events. She is a Fellow of Salzburg Seminar, Session 424, on ˜The World Trade Negotiations: The Politics and Economics of Trade™ (Austria). She followed courses at Victoria University (Australia) and Harvard Business School (USA).
She is a member of the Retail Price Index Advisory Board, and the newly set-up Smart Manufacturing Board. In December 2017 she was appointed Director on the first Board of the Malta Development Bank.
Her current research is on the Future of Skills, sponsored by the HSBC Foundation. She has already conducted similar research for CEDEFOP. She has conducted research on different aspects of the labour market, including skills, entrepreneurship, female activity rate, the gender pay gap, etc.
Her latest publication is Malta's Chapter on Energy policy in the Encyclopaedia on Mineral and Energy Policy, at
A national expert on several EU projects on gender and the labour market, gender equality, and skills gap analysis.
A national expert on a global project on the impact of migration, trade agreements and international institutions on social policies, commissioned by the German Research Foundation.
Collaborating with various academics on research regarding female entrepreneurs and on work- life balance policies.
Conducted a study on research and innovation in Malta, available on the MCSED website.
National representative on the Management Committee of two COST networks, on platform work, and on parental leave (2022-2026).