Prof. Saviour Formosa

Prof. Saviour Formosa

Prof. Saviour Formosa



Room 333
Humanities B
University of Malta
  +356 2340 2042
Prof. Saviour Formosa is a Full Professor within the Department of Criminology, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta. He has a Ph.D. in spatio-temporal environmental criminology, a MSc in GIS and a BA(Hons) in Sociology. His main area of research is spatio-temporal analysis of the social and physical relationships using spatial information systems and how it pushes the boundaries in the reconstruction of environmental scenarios inclusive of crime scene reconstruction.

His expertise lies in the implementation of developmental cross-thematic approaches and uses to the data cycle and management with emphasis on the thematic and spatial data structures, visualisation, modelling, immersions, web-mapping, analysis and dataflow management and reporting. He is a Member of the Applied Criminology Centre at the University of Huddersfield and a Fellow at Bournemouth University. Prof. Formosa developed the website which covers ongoing crime-related research and statistics in Malta. His other main development is the Cloudisle website that depicts 3D, LiDAR and Immersion projects.

Involved in various research projects, he served as Malta's National contact for ESPON, GEO, GEOSS and EEA NFP.

Prof. Formosa is a reviewer of a number of international journals and publishers: SAGE, Springer, ScienceDomain, ICCSA, IIIS and ECS.

An updated publications list can be found at:
  • Environmental Criminology
  • Spatio-Temporal Analysis
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Remote Sensing & LIDAR
  • 3D Technologies - Virtuality
  • Urban Planning & Climate Change
  • Post-Disaster Scenarios
  • ARC5000 - Archaeology and the Sea - Theory and Methods
  • CRI1005 - Organised Crime
  • CRI2011 - Practical Approaches to Research Methodology
  • CRI3005 - Crime Mapping and Spatial Technologies
  • CRI5002 - Research Methods
  • CRM1006 - Introduction to Criminalistics
  • CRM3009 - Designing out Crime: Spatial Planning and the Environment
  • CRM5004 - Research Methods in Probation and the Criminal Justice
  • ISS5220 - Research Methodology
  • LAS1091 - Introduction to Cartography: Geographic Information System (GIS), Spatial Analysis and Drone Mapping
  • PSY5637 - Special Topics in Forensic Psychology

Member of the University of Huddersfield ACC (Applied Criminology Centre)
Fellow at Bournemouth University
Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society UK with IBG
MAGI – (Founder - Vice-Chair) – Malta Association of Geographic Information
MACA – (Founder - President) – Malta Criminology Association
Collaborating Scholar with the Islands & Small States Institute, University of Malta

Member of the Board of the Islands & Small States Institute, University of Malta
Member of the Board of the Department of Criminology, Faculty for Social Wellbeing,
University of Malta

Latest Projects:
SeCollege: Researching the Potential for the Establishment of a Secure College in the Maltese
Project Leader: ERDF project 156 “Developing National Environmental Monitoring
Infrastructure and Capacity”
Project Leader: ISEC Programme 2009 Action Grants Project: "JANUS: The Spatial and Socio-
Physical Faces of Crime – a hotspot approach to crime mitigation"
National Project Leader: ESPONTrain
Project Expert: New-Bie, ESF 3110n - Service tender for the provision of socio-technical
criminological research services as part of ESF 3110 Project: Better Future: Promoting an
Equal and Inclusive Labour Market
Project Expert: Merging statistics and geospatial information in Member States
Researcher: University of Malta Research Grant 2012/13 "SPATEMAP: Spatio temporal mapping of
offenders records 2012"
Researcher/Consultant: Inflowence, Enerscapes, Plan4Business, Med-Strategy, OSDDT-Med,
Seatoland, Elih-Med, as part of FTZ Projects
Researcher and Advisor at the Corradino Correctional Facility Malta

Previous Projects and Initiatives: Plan4All, Phoenix, DEDUCE, Third Country Nationals, Aarhus
Twinning, SEIS, INSPIRE Directive Drafting, CLC1990-CLC2000-CLC2006, LUCAS, EURISY, SENSOR,
SOER, ARGOS, Turtle dove quail surveys, Cartruts, Cultura 2000, EEA Effectiveness Survey, EEA
translation services (SOE), ESPON Data Dictionary, IRENA (RDP), Polymetrex Plus, Intermetrex,
Leonardo, TF Insitution Building (IB200x), EUROGI-GINI, DG REGIO feasibility study LAU2,
Permitting and Monitoring Twinning Light Project...

International Representation:
Contact Point: ESPON - European Spatial Planning Observatory Network
National Focal Point: European Environment Agency
Principal Contact: GEO/GEOSS - Global Earth Observation / Global Earth Observation System of
Committee: Copernicus/GMES - Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
UoM representative for CeAS (Centre for advanced studies on terrorism and political violence)