Prof. Victor Buttigieg

Prof. Victor Buttigieg

Prof. Victor Buttigieg


Associate Professor

Block B, Level 1
Room 18
ICT Building
University of Malta
  +356 2340 2077
Prof. Ing. Victor Buttigieg joined the University of Malta in 1990 as an Assistant Lecturer. In 1991 he was awarded a Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship by the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Following research work in the area of combined source and channel coding, he was awarded a Ph.D. degree by the University of Manchester, UK, in 1995. Soon thereafter, Prof. Ing. Buttigieg joined the newly formed Department of Communications and Computer Engineering at the University of Malta where he is currently an Associate Professor. He also served as Head of Department in the period 2004-08 and Deputy Dean of the newly constituted Faculty of Information and Communication Technology in the period 2007-09. He currently chairs the Faculty of ICT's Advisory Committee for Course Development. He is also vice-chair of the University's Quality Assurance Committee and is a member of the Digital Education Committee.

Victor Buttigieg lectures in the fields of Digital Signal Processing, Computer Networks, Telecommunications and Coding Theory. His main research interests is in channel coding. He was directly responsible for projects worth in total more than 1.3 million euro.

He was also the founding President of the University of Malta Academic Staff Association (UMASA), which he led from 2001 till 2009. During this period he was chief negotiator in the negotiations leading to the new Collective Agreement covering the working conditions of academic staff at the University of Malta.

Victor is a warranted engineer and is a member of the Chamber of Engineers' Ethics and Disciplinary sub-committee.
  • Synchronization Correcting Codes
  • Joint Source-Channel Coding
  • Error Correcting Codes
  • CCE2017 - Computer Systems and Organization
  • CCE3412 - Data Communications
  • CCE5209 - Acquisition, Processing and Analysis of Health Data
  • CCE5309 - Digital Communications and Coding
  • CIS3189 - Digital Forensics