As required by the H2020 grant agreement, all participants are to take part in a mid-term meeting. This shall be held on the 5th July at the University of Leicester, having the following agenda:
9.00 Round-the-table Introduction
9.10 Principal Coordinator Introduction: Adrian Francalanza (UOM)
9.30 Work Package 1 (Management): Adrian Francalanza (UOM)
9.50 Work Package 2 (API Provision): Luca Padovani (UNITO) and Marco Carbone (ITU)
10.10 Coffee break
10.30 Work Package 3 (API Consumption): Laura Bocchi (UKENT) and Hernan Melgratti (UBA)
10.50 Work Package 4 (Tool Support): Emilio Tuosto (ULEIC) and Ornela Dardha (UGLA)
11.10 Work Package 5 (Dissemination): Antonio Ravara (NOVA)
11.30 Sub-Committees:
- Gender Balance: Ornela Dardha, University of Glasgow (UGLA)
- Summer School: Hernan Melgratti, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
- Intellectual Property: Francisco Martins, Green By Web LDA (GBW)
12.00 Lunch
14.00 Session between REA project officer and secondees, WP leaders and project coordinator will have an internal project session.
15.00 Open Discussion
16.00 Closing Comments
The school will feature theoretical and practical sessions on the concept of behavioural APIs. We are proud of offering a nice mix of courses and boot-camps from academia and industry. Many courses will be supported by practical hands on sessions with state-of-the-art tools and technology.
The full details can be found here.