IT University of Copenhagen carries out research in many areas of computer science. Two of our research groups, the programming, logic and semantics group and the process and system models
BehAPI contributes towards enabling the inter-sectoral knowledge transfer. In fact, BehAPI establishes a solid communication among partners to turn research results into effective instruments so to increase the competitive advantage of software industry, to enhance the career prospects of individuals, and to challenge researchers a wide range of concrete software engineering problems. Moreover, the project enables long lasting collaborations among the partners. In fact, the non-academic partners of the consortium constitute a spectrum of diverse natures, sizes, and missions.
Furthermore, BehAPI establishes well-structured relationships in order to attain virtuous feedback-loops between researchers, practitioners, and beneficiaries. These feedback-loops have been established at the beginning of the project and are part of the research process itself. The project fosters cross-fertilisation, advance knowledge, and develop skills of all partners and individuals.
University of Bologna has world-leading researchers in models and programming languages for service-oriented computing, microservices and cloud applications, with a specific emphasis on typing systems, process algebra and co-inductive techniques.
University of Torino is internationally recognized for its expertise in several areas of theoretical computer science including logic, functional calculi, intersection types, static analysis techniques for object-oriented, concurrent and distributed
University of Illinois has expertise on session types and interfaces, concurrent and distributed computing, sensor networks, formal methods, programming languages, programming synthesis, verification and semantics-based tools. The members of team
Bitland is a web agency that develop web services and restful APIs. Together with University of Malta, Ixaris, University of Bologna tackles the problem of service refinement in multi-party setting
Ixaris provides solutions for online payment. The use-case of Ixaris serves to exercise the techniques developed in the project for b-api refinement (in collaboration with University of Malta and University
Green by Web specialises in IOT applications that exploit data from the real world and use it to take informed decisions on the execution flow of the application and, possibly,