Concrete artefacts are produced and used for dissemination. These include scientific publications, a repository of use-cases, tutorials, a non-technical article presenting the main achievements of the project, material for tutorials and recorded tutorials. These artefacts will remain available to the general public beyond the duration of the project and promote a continuative and long-term dissemination.

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The tool JaTyC, developed by NOVA in collaboration with UNIBO and CMS, participated to the InnCyber cyber security research competition held in Portugal in September 2023. The tool won 3rd

Adrian Francalanza was invited to give a testimonial about his experience as a principal coordinator of the BehAPI project. You can read more about this presentation here.

Description: This project comprises of a server-side extension that provides an proxy end-point for serving service metadata & a client-side proxy in JavaScript and also a client-side task that generates a

Description: Behaviour type inference for a Java like object-oriented language. Developed at: NOVA Contacts:  Available at: