The Go programming language has been heavily adopted in industry as a language that efficiently combines systems programming with concurrency. Go’s concurrency primitives, inspired by process calculi such as CCS
Concrete artefacts are produced and used for dissemination. These include scientific publications, a repository of use-cases, tutorials, a non-technical article presenting the main achievements of the project, material for tutorials and recorded tutorials. These artefacts will remain available to the general public beyond the duration of the project and promote a continuative and long-term dissemination.
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Runtime enforcement is a dynamic analysis technique that uses monitors to enforce the behaviour specified by some correctness property on an executing system. The enforceability of a logic captures the
We introduce a general framework for Runtime Verification, parameterized with respect to a set of conditions. These conditions are encoded in the trace generated by a monitored process, which a
The π-calculus, viewed as a core concurrent programming language, has been used as the target of much research on type systems for concurrency. In this paper we propose a new
We develop a theory of refinement for timed asynchronous systems, in the setting of Communicating Timed Automata (CTA). Our refinement applies point-wise to the components of a system of CTA,
We render a model advocating an extension of choreographies to describe reverse computation via monitoring. More precisely, our extension imbues the communication behaviour of multi-party protocols with minimal decorations specifying
This deliverable reports on the results of the task “T.3.1: Current practices and state-of-the-art of Application Program Interface (API) consumption” of the work package (WP) 3 “API Consumption”. The goals
This deliverable reports on the results of the task “T.2.1: Current practices and state-of-the-art of Application Program Interface (API) provision” of the work package (WP) 2 “API Provision”. The goals