Secondments are a major and systematic means for knowledge sharing inside the project consortium. At a “1-to-1” level, seconded and hosting (groups of) researchers strive for the advancement of knowledge triggered by the interactions between their complementary expertise and background. The secondments of ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) are mentored by the ERs (Experienced Researchers) at the host organisation. Mentors also involve ESRs in the scientific activities locally organised at the host institutions.

My secondment at Green by Web was related to Task 3.4 (Static verification of b-APIs consumers) in WP3. We’ve addressed the problem of statically verifying systems of concurrent processes where

During the secondment I gained familiarity with the processes, problems, and technologies involved in Freeland’s work. They develop ah hoc products for their customers, plus a few off-the shelf products

The secondment activities concerned the development of a new connection between databases and business processes declarative languages. Notably, it focused on the static properties of a generic mechanism to orthogonally

The work focused on understanding how the use of behavioural types for shared objects and concurrency can help in the context of analysing existing APIs.  Particular focus was devoted to

The aim of the visit was to work towards completion of task T2.7 on “Inferring behavioural descriptions for b-APIs (O2.3)”. During this visit, initial discussions took place with António Ravara

During this secondment I worked with Dr Antonio Ravara and Dr Hernan Melgratti in application of behavioural description to the static analysis of Smart Contracts.  To do so, we deeply

During this secondment we worked on the usage of behavioural descriptions for the static analysis of smart contracts. The goal is to combine the tools and techniques previously developed by

During my secondment at ITU, we explored different extensions of my previous work of  Dynamic Reconfiguration of Business Processes. More in detail, business processes, which are behavioural representations of organization’s