The visit to MCF explored the possibility of applying choreographic design to control SDLC in the context of MCF production. The idea is to use global graphs to model distributed workflows designed at MCF (T.2.2) and use the related static analysis techniques to validate artefacts (T.2.4). The recent development of ChorGram providing executable Erlang programs seems also to be useful to conduct dynamic analysis and monitoring with the SDLC (T.2.5) of MCF.

In collaboration with Ugo de’Liguoro and Hernan Melgratti, a notion of refinement in the context of choreographies. This will enable the incremental development of choreographies feasible, through a precise modeling  of the conditions that must be satisfied for guaranteeing safety and deadlock freeness properties of compliant processes. To this aim we have extended a choreographic formalism to include underspecified actions and developed an interpretation of them into event structures, extending previous work based on pomsets. The research is related to task T.3.6 and in perspective also T.3.7, if adaptation is interpreted as refinement of protocols to cope with particular contexts. 

I was also invited to a workshop in Rio Cuarto where I presented some project activities to an international software engineering community (T.5.6).

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