We have worked on the development of techniques for the verification of APIs of data implemented on top of eventual consistent data stores. In particular, we addressed the verification of
Secondments are a major and systematic means for knowledge sharing inside the project consortium. At a “1-to-1” level, seconded and hosting (groups of) researchers strive for the advancement of knowledge triggered by the interactions between their complementary expertise and background. The secondments of ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) are mentored by the ERs (Experienced Researchers) at the host organisation. Mentors also involve ESRs in the scientific activities locally organised at the host institutions.
We addressed the problem of integrating behavioural types to reason about properties of applications running on Actyx platform. In particular, we developed a formal model for the Actyx platform. The
Related to “UBA, UKENT, UOM, IXR, and ULEIC will apply synthesis algorithms to adaptability”. The secondment focused on the exploration of discrete event controller synthesis to support systems to adapt
This collaboration is part of the WP3 and WP4. It focused on exploring static (T.3.3) and dynamic analysis techniques in the context of mobile applications. Particularly, we started developing a
Related to “UBA, ULEIC, and AAU will adapt algorithms for synthesising choreographies that take into account rely-guarantee contracts and use synthesis techniques for refinement of specifications from composite models.” We
The activities focused on the organisation of the first school and activities on WP2. More specifically, we worked on the design, collection and summarisation of the data reported in the
We developed a tool for the static verification task associated to the work in secondment 67. We developed an efficient two phase procedure for evaluating quantitative SLA based on an
We worked on the developing languages to formally describe and analyse quantitative requirements of software components. Quantitative requirements can be thought as characterising the Quality of Service – QoS provided