The secondment activities have been mainly centered on Task 2.4 with particular focus on the relationship between session types and contracts in the multiparty asynchronous context. The technique already applied
Secondments are a major and systematic means for knowledge sharing inside the project consortium. At a “1-to-1” level, seconded and hosting (groups of) researchers strive for the advancement of knowledge triggered by the interactions between their complementary expertise and background. The secondments of ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) are mentored by the ERs (Experienced Researchers) at the host organisation. Mentors also involve ESRs in the scientific activities locally organised at the host institutions.
This secondment at Green by Web was related to Task 3.4 (Static verification of b-APIs consumers) in Work Package 3. It addressed the problem of statically verifying systems of concurrent processes where some processes
The secondment activities concerned Tasks 4.2 and 4.3, in particular adding behavioural contracts to the microservice Jolie language (targeted to both in Bottom-up and Top-down DevOps support, which are the
The secondment activities concerned Tasks 2.1 and 2.4, in particular focused on developing behavioural type systems in object oriented languages (the Mungo language) that guarantee correct use of linear objects
This secondment was related to Task 2.5 in WP2. A characterisation of multiparty session types in intuitionistic linear logic was explored.