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The ERA Chair in Bioinformatics for Genomics in Malta (BioGeMT) is a project that aims to bring structural change to the University of Malta in the field of Bioinformatics. 

We are establishing a strong bioinformatics team, focusing on the interpretation of genomic, transcriptomic, metabolomic, and phenotypic data (multi-omics) using machine learning and other methods. The team will collaborate with existing genetics and genomics research groups to build the infrastructure and knowledge base necessary for translating patient-derived multi-omic data into a better understanding of diseases and improved treatment options. 

The project will harness the expertise of an ERA Chair and a team in bioinformatics to ongoing -omic research at UM, building a strong, internationally active, permanent bioinformatics team. Collaborations with academia and industry both locally and abroad are vital to our mission. 

The project also aims to create training programs in bioinformatics, enhancing postgraduate programs and creating short training courses, forging and capitalizing on stronger links between different areas of expertise: ICT, statistics, and the life sciences, and greatly increasing the visibility of researchers at UM through high-impact publications and participation in international conferences and collaborations, enabling UM to better attract competitive research funding.


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