

Data on the pottery sherds will include:

  • Sherd images and macro-scale descriptions (catalogue)
  • Micro-photographs at low magnification, and descriptions of fabric groups and sub-groups
  • Polarized light microscopy analysis reports
  • pXRF data of powdered pottery samples

Data on the environmental samples will include:

  • X-Ray Diffraction plots for a subset of samples
  • pXRF data for a subset of samples
  • Micro-photographs and micro-Raman identification of a wet-sieved subset samples of naturally occurring and non-naturally occurring inclusions

Data on the experimental samples will include:

  • Sample images
  • X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) plots for a set of samples
  • Micro-photographs at low magnification of a set of samples
  • Process and product descriptions  including shrinkage, water of plasticity, firing colour of a set of samples

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the methods adopted by the project will be made available when approved. These SOPs were written in collaboration with students working with the procedures, such as Alexandra Humann and Luke Xuereb. 

Four SOPs have been made available to date:

During the project, catalogues of the pottery samples were created. It is essential before destructive analysis to record features of the artefact, and catalogues can be used to record all the vessel's characteristics. To do so, a latex script to present artefacts was written and recently made accessible online for Tex users. 

The CoFIPoMS team is committed to give access to data for further work. It is the intention of the project coordinators that the data will be made available  on an open access repository under the CC BY licence.