The Deep-FIR project aims to design and implement a face image restoration algorithm that is able restore very low-resolution facial images captured by CCTV systems with unconstrained pose and orientation. The user will be able to restore the whole head, including the hair region, which is important for person identification. while minimizing the manual work of the operator. Apart from improving the quality of the restored facial images, this project intends to reduce the complexity and therefore the time needed to enhance an image or video frame The developed algorithm will be tested on real-world CCTV videos and compared against existing video forensic tools used by forensic experts in their labs. Apart from video forensics, the proposed technology can be adopted and used in other sectors. such as video analytics and iris recognition. Project Deep-FIR financed by the Malta Council for Science & Technology, for and on behalf of the Foundation for Science and Technology, through the FUSION: R&I Technology Development Programme.