Special Issues

Special Issue “Electrical and Thermal Behavior of Biological Materials in Nonstandard Working Conditions: Model and Measurement Methods for Biomedical Applications Design”

Guest Editors: Dr Elisabetta Sieni and Dr. Patrizia Lamberti

Deadline: 30th November, 2022.

Oncologic Thermoradiotherapy: Need for Evidence, Harmonisation, and Innovation

In this issue, the focus is on demonstrating the benefits of thermoradiotherapy as an ideal combined oncologic treatment modality to improve clinical outcome. In addition, the issue reports progress in soft and hard tools to guide thermal dose control and improve smooth integration of thermotherapy in the radiotherapy clinical workflow.

We hope the contributions will further substantiate clinical acceptance following earlier published randomised clinical trials and meta-analysis as well as strengthen acceptance of thermotherapy by patients, patient organisations, primary care medical staff, medical specialists, and oncologists. 

Prof. Dr. Stephan Bodis
Prof. Dr. Pirus Ghadjar
Prof. Dr. Gerard C. Van Rhoon
Guest Editor

Deadline 31st January 2022

Advances in Medical Microwave Imaging and Signal Processing, and Hyperthermic Technologies for Healthcare

In the past years we have observed significant progress in the area of biomedical radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) technology to improve diagnosis and treatment, with several efforts pursued internationally, including within large international networks.

The focus of this Special Issue is to gather the latest advancements regarding the applications of electromagnetic systems that are currently undergoing early proof studies and/or clinical studies, with varying levels of development in terms of device prototyping and pilot clinical studies, for both diagnosis and/or treatment. Related research on revisiting dielectric and/or thermal properties of biological tissues is welcome, as well as refinement and optimization of anthropomorphic phantoms. Significant software and hardware improvement for RF/MW technology is also welcome. Submissions addressing the design of prototypes suitable for clinical evaluation, considering issues of safety, patient comfort and other related practicalities, are also welcome to this issue.

Dr. Raquel C. Conceição
Dr. Emily Porter
Guest Editors

Deadline: 1st May 2022

Computational modeling in hyperthermia

The success of cancer hyperthermia (HT) treatments is strongly dependent on the temperatures achieved in the tumor and healthy tissues as it correlates with treatment efficacy and safety, respectively. Computational modelling based hyperthermia treatment planning (HTP) have become pivotal for treatment optimization due to the possibility for pre-treatment planning, optimization and decision making, as well as real-time treatment guidance. The same computational methods deployed in HTP are also used for in silico studies. These models are of great relevance for the development of new HT devices and treatment approaches. Hence computational modelling has an established but still expanding role in hyperthermia.

To support progress by computational modelling studies, 3D patient models have been recently developed and made available for the HT community (Erasmus MC Virtual Patient Repository – EVPR). In addition, a comprehensive set of applicator benchmarks, efficacy and safety optimization algorithms, simulation settings and clinical parameters, were developed to establish benchmarks for method comparison and code verification in the context of the ongoing 2021 ESHO Grand Challenge (https://www.esho.info/). The 2021 ESHO Grand Challenge aims at establishing guidelines to promote standardization within the hyperthermia community such that novel approaches can quickly prove their benefit as quickly as possible in clinically relevant simulation scenarios in radiofrequency, microwave and ultrasound mediated hyperthermia.

The aim of this special issue is to display the full extends of computational modelling in hyperthermia by reviews and original papers. Hence, the special issue is focused at:

  1. Reviews that summarize progress on specific topics of computational modelling in hyperthermia when applied in pre-treatment planning, patient selection, real-time treatment guidance, applicator optimization, etc.
  2. Original papers demonstrating the benefit of computational modelling in hyperthermia. Specifically, papers are sought that exploit the benchmarks defined in the 2021 ESHO Grand Challenge to standardize the assessments. These papers will also participate in the challenge.

Deadline: 1st April 2022

MR Guidance for Real – Time Interventions in Oncology.

The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to improve precision and accuracy of real-time interventional and therapeutic procedures in oncology is a thriving field. This is largely due to the excellent soft-tissue contrast provided by MRI compared to other imaging modalities. In addition to anatomical information, different MRI contrast types can also yield information about vascular function, perfusion, physiology, and microstructure in one imaging session. This information can be combined to improve tumor detection, delineation and characterization for treatment planning and therapy response monitoring. The information can also be fused with fast MRI techniques to monitor treatment in real-time to improve safety and efficacy, e.g., delineated tumor overlaid on MR thermometry maps in ablation and hyperthermia therapies. The combination of MRI with fast imaging modalities that present a friendlier interventional environment is also an active area of research. These hybrid-modality approaches seek to leverage the exquisite soft tissue contrast of MRI while ameliorating the challenges of MRI in real-time interventions, e.g., static/ time-varying magnetic fields, temporal resolution.

This Special Issue will focus on all aspects of MRI techniques and cross-modality technologies (MRI must be one of them) that improve the precision, accuracy or procedure time of real-time image-guided interventions.

Guest editors: Dr. Margarethus M. Paulides, Dr Desmond Teck Beng Yeo

Deadline: 30th November 2021.