[OPEN] 5th Call for ITC conference grants

Published on 19/01/2022

It is with a great pleasure that we launch the fourth Call for Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) conference grants1 within MyWAVE.

These grants support PhD students or Early Career Investigators (ECIs PhD + 8 years) with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an Inclusiveness Target Country[1] to attend an international science and technology conference on topics related to MyWAVE, before mid-August, 2022. The grants are based on an accepted oral or poster presentation and the applicant presentation must be listed in the official event or conference program. It is important that COST MyWAVE is acknowledged in the paper/poster/presentation.

Virtual conferences are also eligible for a maximum 500Eur registration fee.

Interested applicants should submit their application online through the e-cost platform and these will be evaluated on a first come first served basis.

If you thinking of applying for an ITC conference grant later towards the end of this grant period, please let us know before any unused budget is shifted to other activities.