EMBL-EBI Roadshow

EMBL-EBI Roadshow

TrainMALTA hosted the EMBL-EBI Roadshow in Malta on 2 and 3 February, 2017. This event was held at TR108, IT Services, University of Malta, and was open to all University of Malta faculty and research staff as well as postgraduate students. 

This intensive two-day course was meant to teach the attendees how to use the bioinformatics resources most relevant to one's research. Trainers from the European Bioinformatics Institute delivered the training which consisted of the following modules:
  1. Ensembl Genomes browsing
  2. Genetic Variation Databases (European Variation Archive)
  3. Standards and Ontologies (GO, OLS)
  4. Interactions & Pathways (Reactome, IntAct)

View the two-day schedule. The schedule can also be accessed via the EMBL-EBI website

Course material (Day 1 and Day 2) can be accessed by following this link
