TrainMALTA Summer School 2018:Epigenomics

TrainMALTA Summer School 2018:Epigenomics

The TrainMALTA 2018 Summer School was on Epigenomics and covered aspects of transcription factor binding, chromatin modifications, chromosome conformation, DNA methylation and nucleosome positioning, and the integration of this data type with other HTS data, such as gene expression and variation.

The summer school was held between 23 and 27 July 2018 at the Centre for Molecular Medicine and Biobanking, University of Malta, Msida Campus.

Participants carried out ChIP seq on samples provided by the trainers from the University of Cambridge.

View the final summer school programme  .

On Tuesday, 24 July, between 14:00 and 16:00 a journal club session was held. The participants were placed into groups of three and each group discussed and presented one of the articles found below on ChIP-seq and chromatin profiling. 

  1. ChIP-seq analysis of genomic binding regions of five major transcription factors highlights a central role for ZIC2 in the mouse epiblast stem cell gene regulatory network  
  2. G-quadruplex structures mark human regulatory chromatin  
  3. Mapping and analysis of chromatin state dynamics in nine human cell types