HTS Bioinformatics Summer School

HTS Bioinformatics Summer School

Summer School in HTS Bioinformatics Core Skills

The first TrainMALTA summer school was held from 12 - 16 September 2016 in the ICT Informatics Lab Room -1b02, Faculty of ICT, University of Malta Msida Campus. This training event sought to provide life scientists, statisticians and IT professionals with the necessary core skill set needed to carry out the analysis of HTS in a meaningful way.

Thirty-four (34) postgraduate researchers from the University of Malta (Uo), University of Cambridge (UCAM) and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) attended the training. The summer school was organised into 5-day intensive and interactive sessions involving state-of-the-art practical sessions.  Six expert trainers from the Ouwehand group at UCAM; Dr William Astle, Dr Stefan Graf, Dr Luigi Grassi, Mr Roman Kreuzhuber, Dr Romina Petersen, and Dr Ernest Turro, led the training and practical sessions, together with local expert Dr Jean Paul Ebejer, from the Centre of Molecular Medicine and Biobanking. Topics covered included:

  1. An introduction to Unix/Linux and R 
  2. Experimental design, statistical concepts and quality control
  3. Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) alignment
  4. Variant calling, annotation and interpretation (variant prioritization)
  5. RNAseq data analysis
  6. Integrative analysis approaches. 

View the full five-day summer school programme.  

Download the course material.