RGV, RStudio and SSHFS

RGV, RStudio and SSHFS

Downloading and installing Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)

  1. Go to the IGV Board Institute website.
  2. Click on Downloads and select the download package according to your OS:
For Windows OS:
  1. Download the Windows package and execute the self-extracting archive. Save to your preferred location.
  2. To run the software, open the extracted folder and double-click on the file 'igv.bat'

For Mac OS:
  1. Download and unzip the Mac App archive, then double-click the IGV application to run it
  2. The application can be moved to a folder of your choice.
For Linux OS:
  1. Download and unzip the binary distribution archive in your preferred folder.
  2. Launch IGV using the shell script 'igv.sh'

Downloading and installing RStudio

RStudio requires the R statistical package to be installed prior to use.

To install the latest version of R, follow the installation guidelines by following the links below:
For Windows OS: cran.rstudio.com
For Mac OS: cran.rstudio.com/bin/macosx
For Linux OS: cran.rstudio.com

Once R has installed, download and install RStudio Desktop (free) for your operating system either using the download links from RStudio website.


by using the following direct download links:

Windows Vista/7/8/10 OS
Mac 10.6+

Downloading and installing SSHFS

Overview of SSHFS installation

Direct installation links:

For Windows OS:

Copy and paste the following link in the address bar:

For Mac OS (10.5 or later):

For Ubuntu/Debian OS: In the command line, enter the following: sudo apt-get install sshfs
