Eighth ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models
Participation and contribution in the RegCM4 Workshop held at the ICTP in Trieste, from 23 to 27 May 2016.
(Attended by Mr J. Ciarlo`)
Symposium on Coupled Chemistry-Meteorology/Climate Modelling: Status and Relevance for Numerical Weather Prediction, Air Quality and Climate Research
Organised by COST ES1004 (EuMetChem) in the WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland from 23 to 25 February 2015.
(Attended by Dr N. Aquilina)
Seventh ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models
Participation in the RegCM4 Workshop held at the ICTP in Trieste, from 12 to 23 May 2014.
(Attended by Mr J. Ciarlo`)
STRM - Chemistry in RegCM4
A Short-Term Research Mission to the ICTP in Trieste to acquire expertise on the Chemistry code in the RegCM4 model, from 7 to 12 July 2013.
(Attended by Mr J. Ciarlo`)
12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC)
[Attended by Mr J. Ciarlo`]
Participation in the EMS 2012 Annual Conference held in Łódź, Poland from 10 to 14 September 2012.
ESF-MedCLIVAR Final Conference
Participation in MedCLIVAR Final Conference entitled "Mediterranean Climate: From Past to Future" held in Lecce, Italy, from 6 till 9 June 2011.
(Attended by Mr J. Ciarlo`)
MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales) International Workshop
Participation in the 1st MISTRALS International Workshop with the scope of 'A decade to observe and understand, predict the habitability over a century' organised by INSU at CNRS, with the support of the University of Malta and the Embassy of France in Malta from 30 March till 1 April 2011 in Valletta, Malta.
(Attended by Dr N. Aquilina, Prof. R. Ellul, Dr. P. Galea, Prof. A. Micallef & Prof. C. V. Sammut)
WCRP-CORDEX Conference
Participation in SMR 2228 entitled "International Conference on the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment - CORDEX" to be held at the ICTP in Trieste, from 21 till 26 March 2010.
(Attended by Mr J. Ciarlo`)
5th ESF-MedCLIVAR Workshop
Participation and presentation in the 5th ESF-MedCLIVAR Workshop on the 'Scenarios of Mediterranean Climate Change under Increased Radiative Active Gas Concentration and the Role of Aerosols' organised by the Abdus Salam, International Centre for Theoretical Physics from 23 till 25 September 2010 in Trieste, Italy.
(Attended by Dr N. Aqulina and Mr J. Ciarlo`)
5th ICTP Workshop
Participation in the 5th ICTP Workshop on the 'Theory and Use of REGional Climate Models' organised by the Abdus Salam, International Centre for Theoretical Physics from 31 May till 11 June 2010 in Trieste, Italy. [PDF] [event page]
(Attended by Dr N. Aquilina)
ESF-MedCLIVAR Workshop
Participation in the ESF-MedCLIVAR Workshop entitled 'Climate change modelling for the Mediterranean region' organised by the European Science Foundation from 13 till 15 October 2008 in Trieste, Italy. [PDF] [event page]
[Attended by Dr N. Aquilina & Prof. C. V. Sammut]
ESF-MedCLIVAR Summer School
Participation and poster presentation in the 1st ESF-MedCLIVAR Summer School entitled “Climate variability over the Mediterranean Area: Atmospheric and Oceanic components” organised by the European Science Foundation from 20 till 27 September 2008 in Rhodes, Greece.
[Attended by Dr N. Aquilina]
PRECIS Workshop
Participation in the PRECIS workshop organised by the University of Reading in conjunction with the Met Office, UK from 11 till 15 August 2008 in Reading, UK. This participation allowed the Department of Physics to acquire the license to operate PRECIS at the University of Malta.
(Attended by Dr N. Aquilina, Prof. C. V. Sammut)
The First Joint WRF Tutorial / MM5 User’s Workshop
Participation in this workshop and tutorial organized by the NCAR/Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division from 22 to 2 July 2004 in Boulder, Colorado, USA was part of the training programme within the ATREUS network.
(Attended by Dr N. Aquilina)