Overall, these techniques have shown significant potential and there is substantial opportunity to solidify their use clinically and to apply them to a wider range of medical conditions. However, underpinning the development of these techniques is the need for accurate knowledge of the dielectric and thermal properties of tissues, which provide the foundation for these technologies and de-risk the technical challenge before commercialisation. Furthermore, contributing to the stagnant market of EM hyperthermic medical devices is the fact that, often researchers working on the development of medical technologies are not fully aware of, and not trained to address, the clinical and commercialisation challenges facing novel medical devices. To address these challenges, the MyWAVE Action takes a holistic approach by bringing together key players in the field of dielectric spectroscopy, translational research, and medical professionals. Conjoining these varied communities into one collaborative network is critical to advance the design, development, and commercialisation of EM hyperthermic technologies, so that they can reach patients faster and improve treatment outcomes.
Young Researchers Physics Symposium - November 2011
S-Cubed Seminar - 22 October 2011
Discover University Open Week - 2011