Research Clusters

Research Clusters

University of Malta Research Clusters are multidisciplinary units operating within the University, set up to conduct research on thematic areas of national, regional and global interest. The main objective is to encourage research collaborations generated through active networks that link together the different entities of our university. Therefore, a Research Cluster must necessarily be multidisciplinary in nature, and also interact with relevant external public or private stakeholders. 

The creation, review and dissolution of Research Clusters are overseen by the Research Clusters Committee, chaired by the Rector, with the Pro-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer as deputy chair. Administrative matters are handled by the Research Support Services Directorate.

Following the first call for Research Cluster proposals in May 2023, the following Research Clusters has been established to date:

Data Integrity and Stewardship Cluster (DISC)

Discovery for HERITAGE Materials: Multi-scalar Approaches to Resource Mapping, Building Databases and Data Mining

Poverty Research Observatory for Malta: Investigate, Synthesise, Engage (PROMISE)