Online application

One may apply for the both the Students' Maintenance Grant and the Supplementary Grant through Ministry for Education and Employment's portal

Application dates: The online application for academic year 2024/2025 is OPEN. 

Applying for the Maintenance Grant

The Students' Maintenance Grant is a scheme system provided by the Government of Malta for students in higher education. The Maintenance Grant is only available to students reading for their first undergraduate degree, and postgraduate degrees which lead to a professional warrant; exceptions are solely determined by the Students Maintenance Grant Board and the Minister for Education.

Like all other scholarships, this scheme operates under a set of regulations of the Subsidiary Legislation 605.06.

The main criteria for eligibility are as follows:

For Maltese students:

  • are Maltese citizens, or students with at least one parent being a Maltese citizen; and
  • have resided in Malta for a period of not less than five years from the commencement of the course of studies; and
  • have completed their term of compulsory education; and
  • are attending a full-time day course regularly and making satisfactory progress; and
  • in case of a full-time postgraduate course, it must lead to a professional warrant

For overseas students:

  • are Maltese citizens, or students with at least one parent being a Maltese citizen; or are nationals of the a EU/ EEA nationality or with a family member of  EU/EEA nationality (provided that the permanent residence is Malta; or are third country nationals who have been granted refugee and/ or long term residence status under the Status of Long-term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Regulations*; and
  • have resided in Malta for a period of not less than five years from the commencement of the relative course of studies; and
  • have completed their term of compulsory education; and
  • are attending a full-time day course regularly and making satisfactory progress; and
  • in case of a full-time postgraduate course, it must lead to a professional warrant; and
  • must have a residence permit, and (if applicable) the letter for the exemption of fees.

* Non-EU applicants who do not have an e-ID are requested to follow this link.

As at to-date, all students are to apply for the Maintenance Grant on a yearly basis through using their e-ID and password. Students who apply after 30th November will not receive the maintenance grants and supplementary as from the beginning of the academic year, but from the date of submission. Students who fail to confirm their online application will not be awarded Students’ Maintenance Grants.

Application for academic 2024/2025 is still CLOSED; kindy follow this link

For the instructions on How to Apply for the Maintenance Grants, follow this link.

More information on the e-ID can be obtained from the following site:

Any amendments to the online application should be done until the month of June of the current academic year.
Students may change their personal details through using their e-ID and password, and accessing Update My Profile. After making the required amendments, students must ensure that the new changes have been saved by selecting the 'Save and Submit' button.
Students may change their bank account can be changed through using their e-ID and password, and accessing Update My Profile. After making the required amendments, students must ensure that the new changes have been saved by selecting the “Save and Submit” button.
Students are able to upload new documents through using their e-ID and password, and accessing Update My Profile. Documents are uploaded through Page 4 of the online application. After making the required amendments, students must ensure that the new changes have been saved by selecting the 'Save and Submit' button.