About us

We are a group of resident academics at the University of Malta who are interested in the multi-faceted aspects of bioinformatics. Our backgrounds vary from molecular biology, scientific modelling, statistics, data science, AI, and computer science.

Our bioinformatics activities include:

  • General bioinformatics assistance to other research groups.
  • Publishing bioinformatics research in reputable journals.
  • Write grant-funding applications.
  • Organising training opportunities for students interested in the field.  These include summer schools and post-graduate degrees.
  • Active participation in conferences.
  • Setting-up of national and international collaborations.
  • Procurement and maintenance of computer hardware to run bioinformatics analysis.
  • Help setting up policy and strategies related to bioinformatics (industry, education, etc.)

Our Mission

The Bioinformatics Research Group at the University of Malta is dedicated to advancing the field of bioinformatics through cutting-edge research, collaboration, and education. Our mission is to harness the power of computational biology to address some of the most pressing challenges in the life sciences.


