Legal Forum on Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Change has an impact on all spheres of our existence and that of the planet. It is a complex matter. Its consequences know no boundaries as the effects include poverty, economic development, population demography, sustainable development and resource management. It has a global impact.

The 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was brought in being through the cooperation of a number of countries in an attempt to address global temperature increases and its impact. In turn the Kyoto Protocol tries to address emission reductions. It binds developed countries to reduce emission to specific targets. There are now 195 Parties to the Convention and 191 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.

The Legal Forum of Experts on Climate Change Adaptation is made up of top legal academics from various high ranking Universities in the Member States in the European Union to discuss the formulation of an adequate legal framework that addresses adaptation to climate change both on a horizontal and sectoral level.

The Forum also addresses the current lacuna in legal expertise with respect to adaptation to climate change. The Forum also fills the existing gap in mobilising academics, senior policy makers and other stakeholders for the learning and research on climate change adaptation.