OpenCosmos is a platform providing recorded and live training courses on Horizon Europe, together with an External Evaluation and AI matchmaking service.
To benefit, you first need to register and validate your profile as a member of the University of Malta. Validation can take up to one day, once validated, you can go on to access their services on OpenCosmos eCourses. This membership allows you to:
Browse, select, and attend any of the video recordings available on the page for eCourses. This page has outstanding courses about how to apply for Horizon Europe, as well as more specific courses about competitive calls such as the European Research Council, among many others.
Register for live training sessions as soon as the link is available on the page for eCourses. In addition, you can also attend their live monthly follow-up, including a Q&A session to answer any questions you may have to find success in Horizon Europe.
Apply for an external evaluation in two steps. Step 1: Fill in this form up to one month before the call submission deadline. This informs OpenCosmos about your plan to apply and to find the right evaluator, and then, Step 2: Upload your final draft up to ten days before the call submission deadline. Once uploaded, you will have an external Open Cosmos expert evaluate your proposal.