Department of Physics

Undergrad students

Undergrad students

The design of the undergraduate physics course reflects the need to provide as wide a base as the human resource of the department permit. It is intended to provide a sound basis in the subject during the first three years, with some specialisation in chosen areas offered during the final year. It is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge, experience and skills to pursue careers as scientists within industry, administration, education and, of course research.

Get to know about our undergraduate courses
B.Sc. Physics joint courses B.Sc. Computational Physics B.Sc. Physics   At a later stage, the B.Sc. programme in Physics equips students to join Postgraduate courses (both locally and abroad).  


All students taking physics study-units requiring the submission of course work, including laboratory reports, are to Plagiarism form Physics .

  • a duly-filled paper copy of the Plagiarism form along with every piece of work they submit, and
  • a 'soft' version in machine readable form, which will be retained by the Department for future reference.

Student resources

Dissertation Formatting Guidelines

Dissertation General Guidelines

Dissertation Title Page

Dissertation Title Page (Overleaf)

Declaration of authenticity form 

Physics lab report guide

PHY3200 Physics Project Titles & PHY3208 Short Review Paper and Philosophy of Science Titles 

PHY3200 Preference List

PHY3208 Preference List 

Physics Symposium