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The Edward de Bono Institute for Creative Thinking & Innovation

E de Bono Inst. for the Design & Dev of Thinking
  +356 2340 2434

Prof. Leonie Baldacchino

B.Psy.(Hons),M.A.(Creativity & Innovation),Ph.D.(Warw.)
  +356 2340 3912

Prof. Petra Caruana Dingli

  +356 2340 3935

Prof. Sandra Dingli

  +356 2340 2484

Ing. Christian Grima

  +356 2340 6036

Prof. Margaret Mangion

B.Psy.(Melit.), P.G.C.E.(Melit.) M.B.A.(Maastricht),D.Soc.Sci.(Leic.)
  +356 2340 3828

Dr Lisa Pace

  +356 2340 3936

Ms Shirley Pulis Xerxen
