The Valletta Campus Theatre (VCT) is a recently renovated state-of-the-art black box theatre, housed within the Valletta Campus. Apart from powerful projection system including a media server, top of the range PA system and stage lighting, the theatre has trained technical staff to assist to any customer requests. Live streaming, discussion system, video conferencing and multitrack recording can also be provided. A black and/or white cyclorama is set up all around the theatre, and also available is a specialised dance carpet and platforms. The full capacity of the theatre is 158 seats with a retractable seating system. A fully-equipped dressing room, kitchenette and studio are also available on the premises.
The VCT is a highly sought after venue, especially for the performing arts. Apart from numerous performances by the University of Malta School of Performing Arts, a number of prestigious performances have been staged here since its re-opening in March 2017, including CATS the Musical by Hoi Polloi and Come un Granello di Sabbia (Salvatore Arena e Massimo Barilla).
You can take a look at the photos of the venue and plan.
For more information kindly contact Mr Clive Ferrante.
Booking may be placed via the