Programm imtella’ mill-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u Sport li jinkludi diskussjoni madwar il-mejda dwar suġġetti relatati mal-edukazzjoni u l-isport mill-perspettiva internazzjonali, permezz ta’ mistiedna esperti fis-suġġett. L-għan tas-sensiela huwa li l-udjenza tinforma ruħha dwar inizjattivi li għaddejjin kemm fuq livell Ewropew u kif ukoll fuq livell internazzjonali.
(Programm sponsorjat)
- Programme 1: An introduction to the series providing an overview of the work of the Ministry, and the International Relations Directorate within the office of the Permanent Secretary - Mr Matthew Vella, Ms Antonella Gatt, Mr Darren Chetcuti, Mr Norbert Cilia
- Programme 2: National Funding Opportunities under the Internationalisation Partnership Award Scheme - Mr Darren Chetcuti, Assistant Director at IRPID; Ms Hazel Rafferty, Manager II at IRPID; Mr Mark Farrugia and Mr Mark Meilak at Malta Council of Science and Technology (MCST)
- Programme 3: Sport - Ms Antonella Gatt, Director at IRPID, Mr Darren Chetcuti, Assistant Director at IRPID, Mr Norbert Cilia, Senior Manager at IRPID
- Programme 4: Youth - Mr Darren Chetcuti, Assistance Director at IRPID, Mr Saleh Ahmed Mamme, Manager II at IRPID, Mr Jason Zammit, Senior Manager Aġenzija Żgħażagħ
- Programme 5: Education - Ms Antonella Gatt, Director of IRPID, Mr Jean Carl Chircop, Ms Josanne Ghirxi at NSSS
- Programme 6: Youth & Culture - Ms Antonella Gatt, Director of IRPID, Mr Saleh Ahmed Mamme, Manager II at IRPID, Ms Maria Borg, Senior Youth Worker at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ
- Programme 7: Digitalisation in Education - Mr Norbert Cilia, Senior Manager at IRPID, Mr Jean Carl Chircop, Manager I at IRPID, Mr Grazio Grixti, Director for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills within the Ministry
- Programme 8: Sharing of good practices: sport - Mr Norbert Cilia, Senior Manager at IRPID, Ms Rose Marie Mercieca, Assistant of the CEO at Sport Malta
- Programme 9: European Week of Sport: Sport - Mr Norbert Cilia, Senior Manager at IRPID, Ms Rose Marie Mercieca, Assistant of the CEO at Sport Malta, Mr Carlo Stivala, Admin Officer Events’ Dept at Sport Malta
- Programme 10: Horizon Europe calls and the international funding Programmes - Mr Darren Chetcuti, Ms Hazel Rafferty, Ms Anthea Fabri, Ms Glorianne Camilleri
- Programme 11: Higher Education and Lifelong Learning - Mr Darren Chetcuti, Mr Jean Carl Chircop, Ms Rose Anne Cuschieri, Chief Executive Officer of MFHEA, Mr Alex Farrugia, Director for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability (DRLLE)
- Programme 12: Democracy Here Democracy Now - Mr Darren Chetcuti, Mr Saleh Ahmed Mamme, Manager II at IRPID, Ms Miriam Theuma Chief Executive of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ
- Programme 13: The Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021 – 2027 - Mr Darren Chetcuti, Assistant Director at IRPID, Ms Hazel Rafferty, Manager II at IRPID, Mr Omar Cutajar, Director for Policy, Strategy and Internationalisation at MCST, Ms Ramona Saliba Scerri, Deputy Director for Strategy and Policy at MCST