Il-programm ser ikun qed ilaqqgħana ma' numru ta' mistiedna li permezz tagħhom ser insiru nafu dwar kif l-Istorja tipprova tifhem l-imgħoddi mibni fuq l-esperjenzi tan-nisa u l-irġiel u l-istejjer tagħhom u tgħinna wkoll nifhmu l-istramberiji tagħna, bħala nies li qed ngħixu llum, u li normalment lanqas biss nagħtu każhom.
Produzzjoni u preżentazzjoni ta' Liam Gauci u Emanuel Buttigieg.
Programm 1: Introduzzjoni għas-sensiela
Programm 2: Intervista - Prof. Henry Frendo
Programm 3: Intervista - Chris Vella
Programm 4: Ktieb: The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean ta' David Abulafia - Intervista ma' Charles Dalli
Programm 5: Ktieb: Between the Battle Sword and the Cross: Masterpieces from the Armery of Malta; Intervista ma' Franco Davies
Programm 6: Ktieb: Malta 1813-1914: A Study in Constitutional and Strategic Development ta' Hilda Lee; Intervista ma' Prof. Dominic Fenech
Programm 7: Ktieb: Fortresses of the Knights ta' Dr Stephen Spiteri; Intervista ma' Fleur Brincat
Programm 8: Ktieb: The life and times of Grand Master Pinto ta' Carmel Testa; Intervista ma' Prof. Frans Ciappara
Programm 9: Ktieb: Venice and Hospitaller Malta 1530-1798: Aspects of a Relationship ta' Prof. Victor Mallia Milanes; Intervista ma' Adrian Scerri
Programm 10: Ktieb: Maltese History – What future: Proceedings of a Conference held at the Royal University of Malta on 19th and 20th March 1971; Intervista ma' Dr Daniel Gullo, Assistent Direttur tal-Hill Museum & Manuscript Library u Joseph S Micallef, Curator tal-Malta Study Center
Programm 11: Ktieb: Society and the Inquisition in Early Modern Malta - Frans Ciappara; Intervista ma' Dr Christine Muscat Fl-2017 Dr Muscat temmet id-dottorat tagħha fl-Istorja b'riċerka li esplorat l-aspett intraprenditorijali ta' xi nisa li bejn 1630-1798 għexu fil-Belt Valletta u kisbu l-għajxien tagħhom jew parti mil-għajxien tagħhom mill-prostituzzjoni
Programm 12: Ktieb: Malta bil-gżejjer tagħha u li għadda mingħaliha - Pietru Pawl Castagna; Intervista ma' Dr Simon Mercieca, li għandu interess partikolari fl-Istorja Soċjali, b'emfażi fuq l-Istorja Demografika, jiġifieri l-istudju tal-popolazzjoni
Programm 13: Ktieb: Food and drink on Maltese galleys - Joseph Muscat; Intervista ma' Dr Joan Abela dwar l-Arkivju Notarili
Programm 14: Ktieb: The Siege of Rhodes 1480 - Lionel Butler; Intervista ma' Dr Stephen Spiteri dwar l-istudju tal-arkitettura militari u strutturi difensivi
Programm 15: Ktieb: A Study In Depth of 143 Maps Representing The Great Siege of Malta Of 1565 (Vol 1 & 2) ta' Albert Ganada & Maurice Agius Vadala; Intervista ma' Vanessa Buhagiar u Adriana Mintoff
Programm 16: Ktieb: Birgu: A Maltese Maritime City (Vol 1 & 2) - Lino Bugeja, Mario Buhagiar & Stanley Fiorini, edituri; Intervista ma' Simone Azzopardi
Programm 17: Riflessjonijiet fuq is-sensiela
Programm 1: Ktieb: Rebel Cities: Paris, London and New York in the Age of Revolution - Mike Rapport; Malta tas-Seklu 18.
Programm 2: Paper: Agriculture in Malta in the late middle ages - Prof Godfrey Wettinger; Intervista mal-Prof. Nicholas Vella fuq l-imħabba tiegħu għall-Istorja li wasslitu għall-Arkeoloġija.
Programm 3: Kotba: Proceedings of History 2013 - Spanish Maltese History - Eds: Joan Abela, Emanuel Buttigieg, Krystle Farrugia; Intervista ma' Kenneth Cassar, il-Kuratur tal-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur fil-Birgu.
Programm 4: Ktieb: Trickster travels ta' Natalie Zemon Davies; Intervista ma' Sarah Azzopardi-Ljubibratic.
Programm 5: Ktieb: The silver of Malta ta' Alaine Apap Bologna; Intervista: Francesca Balzan.
Programm 6: Ktieb: Dressed to kill: British Naval Uniform, Masculinity and Contemporary Fashions 1748-1857 ta' Amy Miller; Intervista: Dr Timmy Gambin.
Programm 7: Ktieb: 60th Anniversary of the Malta Historical Society: A Commemoration, Joseph F. Grima (Editur); Intervista: Dr Charles Farrugia.
Programm 8: Ktieb: Naval Surgeon: The Voyages of Dr Edward H. Cree, Royal Navy, as Related in His Private Journals, 1837-1856 ta' Dr Edward H. Cree; Intervista: William Zammit.
Programm 9: Ktieb: The right kind of history. Teaching the Past in Twentieth-Century England ta' David Cannadine, Jenny Keating, Nicola Sheldon Basingstoke; Intervista: Prof. Yosanne Vella.
Programm 10: Ktieb: At home in art: Essays in honour of Mario Buhagiar, Charlene Vella (Editur); Intervista: Prof Keith Sciberras.
Programm 11: Ktieb: Hospitaller Malta, 1530-1798: Studies on Early Modern Malta and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem Victor Mallia Milanes (Editur); Intervista: Dr Valentina Burgassi.
Programm 12: Ktieb: The Adventures of Captain Alonso De Contreras: A 17th Century Journey ta' Alonso De Contreras (Autur), Philip Dallas (Autur, Editur); Intervista: Mario Xuereb.
Programm 13: Ktieb: The British Colonial Experience 1800 - 1964: The impact on Maltese Society (Editur) Victor Mallia Milanes; Intervista: Catherine Tabone.
Programm 14: Ktieb: A History of the World in 100 Objects ta' Neil MacGregor; Intervista: Dr Theresa Zammit Lupi.
Programm 15: Ktieb: L-Arkivji ta' Malta ta' Charles Farrugia; Intervista: Valeria Vanesio.
Programm 16: Ktieb: Early Relations between Malta and the United States of America ta' Paul Cassar; Intervista: Professur Carmel Vassallo.
Programm 17: Intervista: Dr Noel Buttigieg.