Monique Chambers tlaqqagħna ma' diversi akkademiċi mill-Università ta' Malta kif ukoll visiting lecturers, li jagħtuna tagħrif interessanti dwar ir-riċerka tagħhom li tkun għaddejja f'suġġetti varji.
Programme 1: Christian Bonnici, Project Support Office, UM
Programme 2: Antoine Gatt, Green Roof Project
Programme 3: Edward Duca - Think magazine
Programme 4: Rachel Radmilli - Wine production
Programme 5: Dr Godfrey Grech - Breast Cancer research
Programme 6: Prof. Inġ. David Zammit Mangion - Institute of Aerospace Technology, UM
Programme 7: Prof. Milena Dobreva - Library Information and Archive Sciences
Programme 8: Prof. Joseph Cilia - Faculty of Engineering
Programme 9: Dr Marie Briguglio - Market failure
Programme 10: Dr Inġ. Mark Anthony Azzopardi - Satellite and high-performance vision systems
Programme 11: Matthew Caruana, - Crowdfunding
Programme 12: Dr Mario Frendo - Theatre Studies
Programme 13: Dr Inġ. Anton Bartolo - Knowledge Transfer Office
Programme 14: Prof. Christian Zarb Adami - Astronomy
Programme 15: Daphne Deguara - MA Film Studies programme
Programme 16: Natalie and Rachel Muschamp - Step up for Parkinson's through dance
Programme 17: Wilfred Kenely - RIDT