What's the Story?

What's the Story?

Monique Chambers tlaqqagħna ma' awturi u taqra siltiet minn kotba li ġew ippubblikati lokalment. Tiddiskuti wkoll x'inhu l-proċess biex tibda ktieb, mill-kitba tiegħu sal-fażi ta' pubblikazzjoni fejn tagħti ideat u għajnuna ta' wieħed x'għandu jagħmel

Programme 1: Author interview and excerpt - Teodor Rejlic
Programme 2: The different routes to publishing (local, language, audio, self, agent) Part 1 - Chris Gruppetta, Merlin Publishers
Programme 3: Local and international book fairs, courses and awards - Maria Muscat
Programme 4: Different styles for different mediums - Gorg Mallia
Programme 5: Plot development - Malcom Galea
Programme 6: Business book - Michael Salone
Programme 7: Author interview: Adult - Lizzie Eldridge
Programme 8: Developing your writing style - Marcelle D'Argy Smith, lecturer and ex-editor of Cosmopolitan
Programme 9: Author interview and excerpt - Fiction (teen) - Leann Ellul, author of Gramma
Programme 10: Illustrating a children's book - Moira Scicluna Zahra
Programme 11: The different routes to publishing (local, language, audio, self, agent, editing) Part 2 - Chris Gruppetta
Programme 12: Author interview - Trevor Zahra
Programme 13: Marketing your work - Kristina Chetcuti, Merlin Publishing
Programme 14: Author Interview and excerpt: fiction (young adult) - Jane Timmons
Programme 15: Selling; Library - Ryan Scicluna
Programme 16: Author interview and excerpt - audiobook - Monique Chambers being interviewed by Colin Fitz
Programme 17: Managing your rights - Dr Jeanine Rizzo, International Property Lawyer at Fenech and Fenech
Programme 18: A biography - Mark Warner
