Kitba, produzzjoni u preżentazzjoni ta' Joyce Guillaumier
Programm 1: Sacred Music of the 18th century by Maltese Composers
Programm 2: Sacred Music of the 18th century by Maltese Composers: Francesco Azzopardi
Programm 3: Sacred Music of the 19th century by Maltese Composers
Programm 4: Sacred Music of the 19th century by Maltese Composers
Programm 5: Sacred Music of the 19th century by Maltese Composers - CD2
Programm 6: Sacred Music of the 19th century by Maltese Composers - CD2
Programm 7: Mużika tas-seklu 20
Programm 8: Sacred music of the Early 20th Century by Maltese composers (2)
Programm 9: Sacred music of the later 20th Century
Programm 10: Messa Solenni - Mro Pietru Paulo Bugeja
Programm 11: Messa Solenni - Giuseppe Spiteri Fremond
Programm 12: Messa del Naufragio - Antonio Nani
Programm 13: Quddiesa kbira ta' Paolino Vassallo
Programm 14: Rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni 2007
Programm 15: Rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni 2007 (1)
Programm 16: Rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni 2007 (2)
Programm 17: Mużika Sagra ta' Nicolo Isouard