Professjonisti f'Malta
- Programm 1: Il-Malta Federation of Professionals Association - Ben Rizzo, President MFPA
- Programm 2: Malta Association for the Counselling Profession X'tagħmel din l-organiżżazzjoni u x'jinvolvi x-xogħol ta' Counsellor? - Dr Ruth Falzon, Malta Association for the Counselling Profession
- Programm 3: X'ħidma twettaq il-Malta Association of Occupational Therapists l-MAOT u x'inhi l-professjoni t'Occupational Therapy? - Mr Demis Cachia President MAOT, Ms Charmaine Mifsud Vice-president MAOT
- Programm 4: Malta Association of Social Workers: X'ħidma twettaq l-MASW u x'inhi l-professjoni ta' Social Work? - Ms Roslynn Vella, Malta Association of Social Workers
- Programm 5: Society of Medical Radiographers Malta X'ħidma twettaq l-SRM u x'inhi l-professjoni ta' Radiographer? - Ms Kristina Caruana, SRM CPD officer and events coordinator; Mr Andrea Bellizzi, SRM CPD officer
- Programm 6: Malta Institute of Accountants X'ħidma twettaq l-MIA u x'inhi l-professjoni ta' Accountant? - Ms Amanda Zammit, MIA Technical Manager
- Programm 7: Chamber of Engineers X'ħidma twettaq is-CoE u x'inhi l-professjoni ta' Inġinier? - Mr Malcolm Zammit, President CoE
- Programm 8: Association of Podiatrist of Malta - Ivan Farrugia, President
- Programm 9: Il-konservazzjoni u r-restawr - James Licari
- Programm 10: Il-Malta Veterinary Association - Andrew Agius u Simon Schembri
- Programm 11: Dental Association of Malta X'ħidma twettaq id-DAM u x'inhi l-professjoni ta' Dentist? - Dr Christian Satariano
- Programm 12: Malta Chamber of Psychologists u l-Malta Association of Physiotherapists X'ħidma jwettqu l-MCP u l-MAP u x'inhuma l-professjonijiet ta' psikologa u fiżjoterapista? - Ms Roberta Farrugia Debono, past president MFPA, Andrew Pisani, CEO Malta Association of Physiotherapists
- Programm 13: Association of Speech-Language Pathologists X'ħidma twettaq l-ASLP u x'inhi l-professjoni ta' Speech-Language Pathologist? - Ms Daniela Vassallo, PR Officer ASLP