Sensiela li tiddiskuti d-diversi servizzi offruti mill-Fondazzjoni Richmond.
Programm 1: X'inhi s-saħħa mentali - Daniela Calleja Bitar
Programm 2: Alliance for Mental Health - Daniela Calleja Bitar
Programm 3: Kif il-gazzetti jħarsu lejn il-persuni bi problemi ta' saħħa mentali - Dr Paulann Grech
Programm 4: Stop Stigma - Dr John Cachia
Programm 5: Health Literacy Survey - Dr John Cachia
Programm 6: Mental Health experience - Graziella Bonavia
Programm 7: Id-Depression - Dr David Cassar
Programm 8: L-Ansjetà - Dr David Cassar
Programm 9: Attitudes of HC professionals re Spirituality in persons with Dementia - Tessie Saliba
Programm 10: Trends in YPU Admissions - Christopher Siegersma
Programm 11: Mental Health Association - Godfrey Borg
Programm 12: The Role of Social Workers in the Mental Health Sector - Alexia Baldacchino
Programm 13: MAPN - Pierre Galea
Programm 14: UM wellbeing clinic - offering psychiatric consultations for students and staff - Fr John Vella
Programm 15: OCD - Prof. David Mamo
Programm 16: MH Services for the Elderly - Prof. David Mamo
Programm 17: The lived experience of long-term carers of persons with depression - Ms Isaura Camilleri
Programm 18: Mental Health in Children in Foster Care - Christie Siegersma