Sensiela li se tiddiskuti diversi aspetti tat-tieni gwerra dinjia, fosthom, il-bidu tal-gwerra, id-difiża maltija, Maltin internati u anki barranin, il-war damage, il-Mellieħa fil-gwerra bħala case study, il-ħajja soċjali, il-midja u l-propaganda, il-Victory Kitchen u bosta suġġetti oħra relatati.
X’Ġarrabna fil-Gwerra | 1
- Programm 1: Start of war - Malta not prepared for war Four RN Sea Gladiators operated by the RAF - Sept 1939 to June 1940
- Programm 2: Malta’s defences: Artillery: AA, Field & Coastal Artillery; Maltese & British Infantry Battalions, HG, Military Transport & motorcycles - Rubble wall camouflage
- Programm 3: Civil Defence Organisations including ARP etc and the Police - black market, curfew, sedition, blackout, courts etc
- Programm 4: Interned Maltese & Foreigners - deported Maltese & others - Case of Carmelo Borg Pisani
- Programm 5: Refugees and displaced persons - Return of refugees summer 1940 - The second wave of refugees (1941) etc
- Programm 6: War Damage in Valletta and Floriana and other areas (insurance, re-building etc)
- Programm 7: Mellieħa in war as case study
- Programm 8: Social life - everyday life, night life, education
- Programm 9: Newspapers, journalism and propaganda
- Programm 10: Rationing and victory kitchens - convoys
- Programm 11: Arrival of the Luftwaffe - Illustrious Blitz - e-Boat Attack - Operazione C3/Operation Herkules
- Programm 12: Return of the Luftwaffe - beginning of Spring offensive April Blitz to neutralise Malta - George Cross, Glorious 10th May 1942, Sta Marija Convoy
- Programm 13: 1943 War and Victory in North Africa - Sicilian Campaign - Italian campaign - Surrender of Italy - surrender and internment of the Italian naval fleet in Malta - end of the war and return to self-government in 1947
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