Programm imtellgħa mill-istudenti tad-Dipartiment tal-istorja tal-arti fi ħdan l-Università ta' Malta, b'koordinazzjoni ta' Dr Giuseppi Schembri Bonaci, fejn fih jiddiskutu temi artistiċi ma' diversi mistiedna marbuta b'mod partikolari mal-Mdina Biennale 2017.
Programm 1: L-APS Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale - Nikki Petroni
Programm 2: The Strada Stretta Concept - Inga Marcel
Programm 3: Research within the Department of History of Art - Frederica Agius
Programm 4: The APS Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale - Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci and Emel Hasanoglu
Programm 5: The Strada Stretta Concept - Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci and Emel Hasanoglu
Programm 6: Research within the Department of History of Art - Alexandra Camilleri
Programm 7: The Strada Stretta Concept - Tom Armitage
Programm 8: The APS Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale - Nikki Petroni and Darren Tanti
Programm 9: Research within the Department of History of Art - Marie Claire Finger and Alex Camilleri
Programm 10: The Strada Stretta Concept - Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci
Programm 11: The APS Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale - Sina Farrugia Micallef
Programm 12: Research within the Department of History of Art - Sefora Baldacchino and Ray Axiaq
Programm 13: The Strada Stretta Concept - Ken Scicluna
Programm 14: Kreattività Bla Konfini - Dr Ġużeppi Schembri Bonaci and Emel
Programm 15: Research within the Department of History of Art - Nikki Petroni
Programm 16: The APS Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale: Spaces - Alexandra Camilleri
Programm 17: The APS Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale - Joseph Agius and Victor Agius
Programm 18: Kreattività bla konfini - Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci