Niltaqgħu ma' intraprendituri minn diversi oqsma ta' ħidma f'pajjiżna li esportaw u estendew il-ħidma tagħhom barra minn xtutna u għamlu success.
Programme 1: John Degiorgio - Shireburn Software
Programme 2: Matthew Pullicino - Stargate Studios
Programme 3: Stephen Chetcuti Bonavia - Altaro
Programme 4: Jessica Grima - Mediterranean Ceramics
Programme 5: Samuele D'Imperio - Lord Chambray
Programme 6: Anton Buttigieg - Trade Malta
Programme 7: Andy Andre Linnas - Thought 3D
Programme 8: Peter Griffith - Mente
Programme 9: David Xuereb - Malta Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Programme 10: Matthew Rota - European Pilot Academy
Programme 11: Malcolm Tabone - Abertex
Programme 12: Joe Schembri - Lecturer University of Malta; Trade Malta
Programme 13: Brian Zarb Adami - Cybersift
Programme 14: Sam Borg - Bortex
Programme 15: Gege Gatt - EBO
Programme 16: Steve Mercieca - Quicklets, Zanzi
Programme 17: David Xuereb - Malta Chamber of Commerce