Our publications

Azzopardi Lane, C. (2021) Down syndrome and premature ageing: the treat of Alzheimer’s disease and dement . One Voice Issue 4 January 2021. 

Azzopardi Lane, C. (2020) Breast Cancer and Disabled Women. The Times (Malta) 11 October 2020.

Bajada, G., Callus, A.M., and Borg, K. (2021) Unpretentious education: a Foucaultian study of inclusive education in Malta. Disability & Society online.

Bezzina, F. (2017). Xejn Dwarna Mingħajrna: 25 Sena ta' Ħidma Fejjieda u Tibdil Radikali mill-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni b'Diżabilità (1987 - 2013). Malta: Horizon.

Bezzina, F. & Camilleri, J.M. (2018). Xejn dwarna mingħajrna (Nothing about us, without us): 70 Years of Struggle and Radical Changes in the disability sector in Malta. Keynote speech delivered at the 'Emerging Disability Issues: Varieties of Disability Activism and Disability Studies' Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Disability Studies and Disability Activism, Department of Disability Studies, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta, Malta.

Bezzina, F., Callus, A. & Camilleri, J.M. (2017). Disability Milestones: Malta 1946-2013 . Part of a keynote speech delivered at the 'Emerging Disability Issues: Varieties of Disability Activism and Disability Studies' Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Disability Studies and Disability Activism, Department of Disability Studies, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta, Malta.

Bezzina, L. (2019) Disability Policy Review . Commissioned by the Faculty for Social Wellbeing and the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability.

Bezzina, L. (2018). Systematic Review: Masters’ and LL.D. Dissertations on Disability in Malta . Commissioned by the Faculty for Social Wellbeing and the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability. 

Bonello, I. (2019). The Journey Towards Independent and Community Living Isabel Bonello  (with the support of Anne-Marie Callus). EU-Arab high level meeting on Disability on the 24th April 2019, Department of Disability Studies, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta, Malta.

Borg, C. & Camilleri, J.M. (2009). Daisy Petal Picking: Maltese media’s love-hate relationship with vulnerable people , in Borg, J., Hillman, A., & Lauri, M.A. (2009) Exploring the Maltese Media Landscape. Allied Publications. Malta, Chapter 9.

Buhagiar, S. and Azzopardi-Lane, C. (2020) Freedom from financial abuse: persons with intellectual disability discuss protective strategies aimed at empowerment and supported decision-making. Disability & Society, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1833312

Callus, A.M. (2024) Are Children’s Rights Also Disabled Children’s Rights? Professorial Lecture delivered for the Faculty for Social Wellbeing 10 January 2024.

Callus, A.M. (2023) Analysing cultural representations of disability . Unity Edition 2. Editor: Marvin Formosa.

Callus, A.M. (2023) The Whys and Wherefores of Research . Oration delivered at the Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing University of Malta Valletta Campus. 9 March 2023. 

Camilleri-Zahra, A. (2023). Accessibility for parents with disability: Is it reality or fantasy? Disability & Society, https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2023.2179477

Callus, A.M. (2022) Il-mixja lejn il-ħajja adulta: Sapport lil studenti b’diżabilità wara l-iskola . Keynote Speech delivered at the Euroguidance Conference Malta, November 2022. The transition of students with a disability from compulsory schooling to further education and/or the labour market. 

Callus, A.M. (2020) ‘Inclusion requires a radical re-thinking of how we look at education’. Interview with Inclusion Europe.

Callus, A.M. (2019). Living with a Disability in Malta: some cultural, geographical, historical aspect. Mediterranean Institute seminar, Department of Disability Studies, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta, Malta.

Camilleri, J.M. (2006). The Genesis of Disability Studies in Malta: from a colonial past to an independent   Keynote speech delivered at the Disability Studies Association Conference: Disability Studies: Research and Learning, Lancaster University, UK.

Camilleri, J.M. (1998). Disability: a personal odyssey. Disability & Society, 14 (6) pp.845-853.

Click here to see the full Publications of Prof. Anne Marie Callus.

Debono, M.C. (2017). The rollercoaster ride: the lived experience of people acquiring a physical impairment in youthThe Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation.

Debono, M.C. (2016). Trailing my journey into disability insights. Disability & Society, 31(5) pp. 713-716.

Farrugia, D. (2020) ‘Experiencing Womanhood with Intellectual Disability  ’ One Voice January 2020, Issue 3, Page 4.

Galea-Curmi Edgar and Gauci Vickie (2023) Death be comes us : against. . Unity Edition 2. Editor: Marvin Formosa.

Gauci Vickie (2024) Disability and humour: Comic or tragic? Unity Edition 4. Editor: Marvin Formosa

Gauci Vickie (2023) A bizarre accident broke Vickie Gauci's spine 20 years ago… but not her spirit. Article by Claudia Calleja in The Times of Malta 17 March 2023. 

Gauci, M.V. (2020) ’New Year Resolutions’ One Voice January 2020, Issue 3, Pages 14-17

Gauci, M.V. (2016). Speech  delivered at the Towards a truly accessible university Conference, University of Malta.

Muscat, B. (2019) What About My Sexuality . News & Views December 2019. 

Pleven, L. and Callus, A.M. (2017) The outcomes of mainstream post-secondary education for young people with intellectual disability: investing in human capital or whiling away the time? Malta Review of Educational Research, Vol 11, No 2, pp. 23-241 

Psaila, E. (2017). Voices in the Classroom – Exploring how the Voice of the Disabled Child and the Educational Professionals are Manifested in the ClassroomMalta Review of Educational Research, 11(2) pp. 171-186.

Psaila, E. (2016). Culture Disability and Television  Considering Disability.

Vella-Gera J, Martin, Gillian M. & Camilleri-Zahra, A. (2020). An insight into the lives of young siblings of disabled children in MaltaDisability & Society DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1712188
