Student research

Master of Arts in Disability Studies dissertation

  • Stefan Attard

A narrative analysis of individuals with HIV in Malta using a critical disability studies framework

Keywords :  HIV infections and AIDS, HIV positive persons ; Stigma (Social psychology), Identity (Philosophical concept)

  • Barbara Abner Francis

Protection or overprotection? : the lived experience of persons with intellectual disabilities and their primary caregivers in Malta

Keywords : People with mental disabilities ;People with mental disabilities and caregivers in Malta ; Parental overprotection in Malta

  • Cynthia Bonnici

Empowering sounds or trivial rhythmic variations?: narrative portraiture of the use of music for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities within the Maltese context 

Keywords : People with mental disabilities, Music (social aspects ,therapy ), Music for developmentally disabled people in Malta

Joelyn Bugeja 

Ageing together : exploring the dynamics of older families who have an adult member with an intellectual disability     

Keywords : People with mental disabilities in Malta ; Family relationships ; Quality of life in Malta

  • Lara Natalya Darmanin

''Coming out'' of the disability closet : the narratives of primary school educators with invisible disabilities

Keywords : Primary education; Teachers with disabilities ; stigma (social psychology) ; Inclusive education in Malta

  • Charmaine Muscat

Motherhood : listening to disabled women       

Keywords :  Women with disabilities ; Mothers ; Parenting ; Reproductive rights ; Stigma (Social Psychology) ; Intersectionality                (Sociology)

  • Mario Muscat

 From institutions to living in the community : the lived experience of adults with psychosocial disabilities

 Keywords : People with mental disabilities ; Mental health in Malta; Group homes for people with mental disabilities ; Community               mental health services in Malta : People with mental disabilities (Rehabilitation)

  • Mattea Tabone

 We can all play ; participation in local playgrounds from the perspectives of children with physical impairments and their caregivers

 Keywords : Children with disabilities ; Care and caregivers; Playgrounds; Playgrounds barrier-free design


Click here for other Master Dissertations on Disability.