Sammut Scerri, C., Grech Lanfranco, I., Pace, L. & Borg, M. (2020 – 2022). Safety in Childhood: a prevalence study of childhood experiences of abuse
The primary aim of the study is to obtain a robust estimate of the prevalence of children living in families where there is domestic violence (child witnessing) along with child maltreatment, neglect, peer and sibling victimization and sexual victimization within the population in Malta.
We intend to recruit a representative sample (through quota sampling) of 18 – 24-year-old participants and asking them about their retrospective childhood experiences of abuse via computer assisted web interviews i.e. online interviews, using an adapted version of the Adult Retrospective Form of the Juvenile Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire Revision -2 ( JVQ-R2; Hamby, Finkelhor, Ormrod, & Turner, 2005).
This study which is commissioned by the Commission on Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence, will be one step in the direction of mapping the extent of the problem of intimate partner violence on children’s wellbeing and other forms of child abuse. This will set the ground for the consolidation and further development of a range of services to address these needs. More importantly, it will also provide the tools to policy makers to invest in a national comprehensive domestic violence prevention plan. This study is one of the Commission’s budget measures.
Sammut Scerri, C., Friggieri, A., Caruana, T., and Farrugia, S. N. (2020 – 2023). A Pilot Study Evaluating the Implementation of ‘Safe Dates’ - a Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Programme
This is a project of the Commission on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Domestic Violence (DV) and focuses on prevention, which is one of the pillars of the Istanbul Convention. It is being led by Dr Clarissa Sammut Scerri
In this project, we pilot an evidence -based life skills programme and we evaluate its implementation with Grade 10 (Form 4 students) in four secondary Sate schools in Malta
The research questions are: 1) What changes in students’ attitudes and beliefs about dating abuse and violence, if any, take place following the implementation of the programme? And
2) What is the PSCD teachers’ feedback about the implementation of the programme? The Evaluation will take place through pre- post testing questionnaires and the students’ answers will be compared to those who will follow the regular PSCD lessons and who will also complete the pre- and post questionnaire. The teachers’ feedback will be collected through separate focus groups with each school.
2020 – to date: Grech Lanfranco, I., Sammut Scerri, C., Abela, A., and Businaro, N. & Merete, S. Curriculum in Family Therapy & Systemic Practice: Students’ experiences and competencies, a Norwegian and Maltese perspective.
Research in conjuction with Vid Specialized University – Oslo
(Norway) on the curriculum in Family Therapy & Systemic Practice.
2020 – to date: Abela, A., Grech Lanfranco, I., Sammut Scerri, C., Felice, E. & Pace, L. Pilot project on the evaluation of perinatal mental health of expectant mothers and fathers, and their couple relationship.Part of the Postitive Parenting National Strategy (2016-2024).
2021 – to date: Sammut Scerri, C., Grech Lanfranco, I., Pace, L. & Borg, M. (2020 – 2022). Safety in Childhood: a prevalence study of childhood experiences of abuse.
Research is being carried out in collaboration with the Commission on Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence.
Reflections to The Embryo Protection (Amendment) Bill
Bill no 38 (2018)
Prof. Angela Abela and Dr Clarissa Sammut Scerri drew up a position paper based on research on the proposed amendment of the Embryo Protection Bill in June 2018.
The paper was signed by 50 Child and Family Scholars and Practitioners. Executive Summary the embryo protection bill
Reflections by Child and Family Scholars and Practitioners
December, 2019. International Journal of Emotional Education (IJEE), paper review: “Exploring the Role of Self-Blame as a Mediator of Child Emotion Controllability Beliefs and Emotion Regulation in Parent-Child Dyads"