Small States & Territories Journal

SST 4(2), November 2021

SST 4(2), November 2021

Small States & Territories
Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2021

Pages 197-198: Table of Contents

Special section: Resilience and climate change in small states and territories

Pages 199-204: Guest editorial introduction: Critical reflections on governance and ‘resilience’ in small island contexts. - Aideen M. Foley & Stefano Moncada 

Pages 205-230: Learning from the archives of island jurisdictions: Why and how island history should inform disaster risk reduction and climate action. - Rory A. WalsheAideen M. Foley

Pages 231-244: Words without meaning? Examining sustainable development terminology through small states and territories. - Ilan Kelman

Pages 245-258: Climate change, governance and economic growth: The case of small islands developing states. - Verena Tandrayen-Ragoobur & Sheereen Fauzel

Pages 259-278: Resilience building to COVID-19 in the Pacific : a Cook Islands case study. - Natalie Cooke, Ian HayesStefano Moncada


Special section: Sustainable island futures: A collaborative research project 

Pages 279-284: Guest editorial introduction: Sustainable development across small island states and subnational island jurisdictions: The role of public perception. - James E. Randall

Pages 285-304: Financial crisis, governance and sustainable island futures: Comparing Iceland and Newfoundland & Labrador. - Mark C.J. Stoddart, Ásthildur Elva Bernharðsdóttir & Cole Atlin

Pages 305-324: Perception versus reality: Major stakeholders and progress towards Sustainable Development Goals in the South-West Indian Ocean.Verena Tandrayen-Ragoobur, Marie-Annick Lamy-GinerStefano Moncada & François Taglioni

Pages 325-348: Island identities? Comparing the perceptions of islanders towards governing institutions and quality of life. - Suzana Russell, Laurie Brinklow, Thanasis Kizos, Stratis SentasJames E. Randall


Other papers

Pages 349-368: A gourd between two stones: Unlearning Nepal as a small state and reconceptualising it as a small power. - Gaurav Bhattarai & Shweta Karki 

Pages 369-374: Independence, interdependence and flexible sovereignty in the small states of the Pacific. - Kerryn Baker 


Book reviews (Pages 375-412)

Pages 375-384: Godfrey Baldacchino & Anders Wivel (Eds.) (2020). Handbook on the politics of small states. Reviews by Marlene Jugl & Winston Dookeran - (Review by Marlene Jugl), (Review by Winston Dookeran)

Pages 385-390: John Connell & Robert Aldrich (2020). The ends of empire: The last colonies revisited. Reviews by Peter Clegg, Gert Oostindie & Denise Fisher - (Review by Peter Clegg), (Review by Gert Oostindie), (Review by Denise Fisher)

Pages 391-392: Greg Fry (2019). Framing the islands: Power and diplomatic agency in Pacific regionalism. Review by Jack Corbett

Pages 393-394: Helen Lee (Ed.). (2019). Pacific youth: Local and global futures. Review by Dion Enari

Pages 395-396: Sara N. Amin, Danielle Watson, & Christian Girard (2020). Mapping security in the Pacific: A focus on context, gender and organisational culture. Review by Betty Barkha 

Pages 397-399: Michael Sam & Steven J. Jackson (Eds.). (2017). Sport policy in small states. Review by Roy McCree     

Page 400: Michael Ravell Walsh (2019). A history of Kiribati: From earliest times to the 40th anniversary of the Republic. Review by Doug Munro

Pages 401-403: Nicholas A. Bainton, Debra McDougall, Kalissa Alexeyeff, & John Cox (Eds.). (2021). Unequal lives: Gender, race and class in the Western Pacific. Review by Stephanie Lusby 

Pages 404-406: Vivienne Roberts (2020). The Barbados Community College experience: Leading the Anglophone Caribbean in a global movement. Review by Dame Pearlette Louisy  

Pages 407-408: Ulf Hannerz & Andre Gingrich (Eds.). (2017). Small countries: Structures and sensibilities. Review by Wesley van Drongelen

Pages 409-410: Eli Skogerbø, Øyvind Ihlen, Nete Nørgaard Kristensen, & Lars Nord (2020). Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries. Review by Viktor Valgardsson 

Pages 411-412: Jack Corbett, Xu Yi-chong, & Patrick Weller (2021). International organizations and small states: Participation, legitimacy and vulnerability. Review by Naomi Egel 


© 2021 – Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta.
Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino
Editorial Support: Cynthia Genovese, William Grech, Dominik Kalweit, Stefano Moncada

Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Islands & Small States Institute at the University of Malta, the University of Malta, Small States & Territories, its Editor, its Editorial Board, or any Board members. 


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