Small States & Territories Journal

SST 5(2), November 2022

SST 5(2), November 2022

Small States & Territories [ISSN: 2616-8006]

Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2022

Pages 241-242:   Table of Contents

Pages 243-250:   Guest Editorial: A conference anniversary: Unlocking the power of jurisdictionGodfrey Baldacchino & David Milne 

Pages 251-268:   A question of sovereignty? Iceland and MaltaSigfus Jonsson 

Pages 269-292: ‘Caribbean Jihad’: Radical social networks and ISIS foreign fighters from Trinidad and Tobago – Michael Adams & Michał Pawiński
Supplementary Data Code Book [PDF]
Figure 1 [JPG]     |     Figure 2 [JPG]     |     Figure 3 [JPG]    |     Figure 4 [JPG]

Pages 293-312:   Responsiveness of food security to macroeconomic variables: The cases of Maldives, Mauritius and SeychellesTaruna Shalini Ramessur & Saivrata Bundhun

Pages 313-328:   Contemporary dynamics and the future of the Indian OceanJeewaka Saman Kumara


Book Reviews

(Pages 329-343)

Pages 329-330:   Overcoming smallness: Challenges and opportunities for small states in global affairs by Rory Miller and Fahad Al-Marri (2022). Review by: Tyler B. Parker

Pages 331-333:   Small states and security in Europe: Between national and international policymaking by Tomáš Weiss and Geoffrey Edwards (2022).
Review by: Petros Petrikkos 

Pages 334-336:   Resource extraction and contentious states: Mining and the politics of scale in the Pacific Islands by Matthew G. Allen (2018). Review by: Patsy Lewis

Pages 337-339:   Ascending order: Rising powers and the politics of status in international relations by Rohan Mukherjee (2022).
Review by: Caroline Dunton

Pages 340-341:   Military strategy of small states: Responding to external shocks of the 21st century by Håkan Edström, Dennis Gyllensporre and Jacob Westberg.
Review by: Andre L. V. C. Carvalho

Pages 342-343:   Islands: Searching for truth on the shoreline by Mark Easton (2022).
Review by: Godfrey Baldacchino

© 2022 – Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta.
Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino
Editorial Support: Angela Xuereb, William Grech, Dominik Kalweit, Stefano Moncada, Kaja Lochman, Raelene Vella

Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Islands & Small States Institute at the University of Malta, the University of Malta, Small States & Territories, its Editor, its Editorial Board, or any Board members.        


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